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Governors Upholding & Fortifying Democracy
Protecting & Renewing Democracy

Co-chaired by Governor JB Pritzker of Illinois and Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, Governors Safeguarding Democracy (GSD) is a nonpartisan alliance of governors that works together to uphold and fortify American democracy. We strengthen the foundations of American democracy by catalyzing collaboration across state lines. Working together, we leverage the collective strength, experience, and institutional knowledge in governors’ offices across the country to craft laws and policies that protect the rule of law and serve the people of our great states. Governors Safeguarding Democracy is supported by GovAct.

Our Story

Why it Matters

Since America’s founding almost 250 years ago, the nature and scale of the threats to our democracy have changed more than the founders ever could have imagined, from cyberthreats to fast-moving disinformation campaigns. Grounded in the belief that hope alone will not save democracy and that we must actively work to protect and strengthen it, Governors Safeguarding Democracy is a first of its kind nonpartisan alliance of governors united in their efforts to uphold and fortify U.S. democracy.

What We Do

The GSD team, supported by GovAct, collaborates with think tanks, legal experts, and democracy advocates to shape policy that protects the rule of law and serves the people of our states. The strength, experience, relationships, and institutional knowledge of any one member becomes available to all members, giving governors access to the top policy and legal minds in the country. Together, we are pushing back against the ever-increasing threats of autocracy and protecting the systems of democracy our country and our states depend on.

GSD leverages Governors’ unique legislative, budgetary, executive, and administrative powers to deliver results, working across states to:

  • Develop playbooks to enable Governors and their teams to anticipate and swiftly respond to emerging threats
  • Reinforce key state institutions to protect executive agencies, elections, state courts, and other core democratic bodies
  • Design affirmative strategies to protect the rule of law in the states

Donations Power Our Work

Financial support from people like you enables the Alliance to safeguard rights and fight back against anti-democratic threats.

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